FMLA, Short-Term Disability, and DMV Forms
FMLA and Short-Term Disability paperwork patients do not need an appointment as long as they have been seen recently and nothing has changed. Patients may email/mail/drop off the paperwork to the office. There is a fee for filling out these forms and it must be collected at time of pick up or the forms may not be given to the patient. We can mail the forms back, but payment must be collected over the phone. We CANNOT email forms back to patients. We can fill out FMLA paperwork for anyone who is taking time off to take care of the patient.
Fees will range from $50 to $100 depending on the time and length of details it takes the provider to complete. An estimate can be provided beforehand.
For first time DMV paperwork patients, there is no fee but will require an appointment to fill out paperwork. Any yearly renewal paperwork afterwards is $25.
Patients must be under our care and evaluated for at least three months before we are able to fill out any requested paperwork. All forms have a processing time of 72 business hours from the time that we receive the paperwork.​